The Alta Valle del Tevere Cinema Office offers a free service to search locations, together with a complete service of film liaison. It was established in 1998 by the will of the Comune of Montone and by the Associazione Onlus Umbria Film Festival with the financing of the GAL Alta Valle del Tevere and it works in close cooperation with the Umbria Film Commission as quality territorial support.
In this corner of Umbria, far from the large urban centres and still intact and undiscovered, it is possible to find filming locations of great richness and variety.

Etruscan sites, Roman watering places still in use, medieval castles, monasteries and abbeys, palaces and villas, villages and hamlets of the 13th and the 14th XIV century, factories and modern districts, the Apennines and their hills, farmlands, forests and wild valleys, everything can be found in the place that hosted San Francesco and San Benedetto, Federico da Montefeltro and Braccio da Montone, Piero della Francesca, Signorelli, Raffaello and Burri.
The territory of the Alta Valle del Tevere combines the beauty of the landscape and the functionality of infrastructures for a complete film and audiovisual production, with a network of good quality restaurants and hotels which can satisfy every budget.

The Alta Valle del Tevere Cinema Office can meet every production request: from hotels to banks, from technical to extras, from permits to equipment. Its aim is to connect the production companies and the local community, putting the production houses in contact with the more appropiate people and situations in order to satisfy every need.